Anneke van Genderen

Holistic healthcare provider

and inventor of Life Grid.

What is your mission in life?

Have you started yet?


What is holding you back?

What can you do about it?

Start here.

Your mission in life.

Most people have some sort of mission in their life. Those missions are usually set as goals. Getting THE car, THE job, THE house. But when it comes down to it, those things usually give you a limited amount of pleasure.

When it comes to REAL missions, well, those are of a different calibre. REAL missions are bigger than yourself. REAL missions usually take more than a lifetime to achieve. And REAL missions need more people. You just can't do it by yourself.

REAL missions leave a legacy.

Some people are born knowing what it is they are meant to do, and do it. Saving the yellow crested newt, preserving a local landmark or looking after the elderly.

Other people kind of fall into it. Something happens in their life and it changes everything. An illness, accident, loss, conversation. Something that when it happens, their life will never be the same again. They have 2 choices. Sit back and let it be, or actually do something about it.

This website is for people who want to do something about it. If that is you, read on.

Nervous? Most probably. Anxious? Yep. Not knowing where to start? Very likely.

But there is always help for those who need it.

Courses to do. Memberships and Masterminds to join.

Traveling companions to link up with. People who are going the same way. They have different missions, but they are going the same direction.

It can be overwhelming. So I have created this page to give you an overview. This is the place to get started. The entire journey laid out in front of you.

1) Where are you now?

-> Life Grid

2) I can't continue unless I have resolved a certain issue that is holding me back.

-> Silver Bullet Healing

3) I'm not really sure about my purpose in life.

-> Purpose of my life.

4) I need to refine my mission, ways to execute it, sounding board, other people with big ideas.

-> Mission Mastermind group.

5) The thing that is holding me back is general health and fitness, and I'm convinced something can be done about it.

-> Health and fitness quest.

1) Life Grid

A systematic way to figure out where you are in your life right now.

There is no point in trying to navigate anywhere if you don't know your starting point.

  • 2) Silver Bullet Healing

A simple solution to a complicated problem.

When you know something needs to change but don't want to spend years in therapy. Better still, you want do get through this in the shortest time possible. 1 day if you do it as a 1-1 or a couple of days if you do it as the combination version (video and 1-1)

  • 3) Purpose of my life.

A short course you do online. You can do this in a day or take more time if you want to. The Purpose of my life course doesn't come up with a list of job descriptions, but more of a general direction in your life. Which way to look for your answers.

  • 4) Mission Mastermind group

You may know which way to look for your mission. But it needs fleshing out. You need sounding boards, ideas, fellow travellers, other people who have big ideas and are ready to go for those ideas. A place to find answers in how to make your mission a reality. Questions to ask and answers to find.

  • 5) Health and fitness quest

Nothing happens if you are ill. And things work out better and faster when you are fit. Health is not the same as absence of illness. Health is far more than that. But it is difficult to quantify. Fitness is even more vague and difficult to define.

This course is a quest for YOUR holy grail of health and fitness.

Life Grid

The most gentle way to start sorting out your life is Life Grid.

It systematically takes you through all areas of your life and makes you think about it in ways you may have never thought about it before.

It gives you an overview of the good, the bad and the ugly. Chances are, it isn't as bad as you thought. People are hard wired to find the negative and then focus on that to sort it out. This makes them overlook the good parts of their life.

Life Grid give you the opportunity to do your own life audit in the privacy of your own home.

When you join the membership group there are weekly Q&A sessions. And you can connect with other members who are on the same path.

As a therapist, I know that some people are so overwhelmed by their life, it takes a long time to figure out where the real problems are in their life. Life Grid is a good way to get some clarity beforehand.

  • Systematic overview of your life.
  • Do Life Grid in privacy of your home.
  • Weekly Q&A
  • Cheaper than figuring out the basics with a therapist.
  • Connect with other members.

Silver Bullet Healing

This is not for the fain hearted. Just as an upfront warning.

Therapy can take a loooonnnngggg time. Week in, week out. Month after month. Year after year.

How about doing it all in 1 day? With me, 1-1, via the internet.

Or if that is out of budget, do the online version with limited 1-1 in about 3 days? Still a great time saver.

The online version is in development. But will be released asap.

1.5 hour get-to-know-each other call.

Send back the contract and your questionnaire.

Do the 1 day session.

Quick check up next day, to see how you are doing.

3 follow-up sessions, to guide your new life.

Purpose of my life.

You know where you are in life. There is nothing holding you back anymore. And now it is time to find your purpose in life. What is it you are good at, the world needs, you can be paid for and what you love.

Finding your purpose in life doesn’t come up with a ready made job description. It won’t say: train conductor, bio-chemist, or bank manager. But when you do it well, it will come up with a short description of the direction in which you can find your purpose in life. From then on you will filter incoming information in a different way. A way that allows for you to see your opportunities.


Do it in one go or spread over several days.

Find out which way to look for your purpose.

Mission Mastermind

Once you know where you are, there is nothing holding you back anymore, you know what your general purpose in life is, it is time to find your mission.

The Mission Mastermind Membership group is there to help each other achieving the mission you set out to achieve. Each and everyone in this group knows they are here to achieve great things. But they can’t do them by themselves. Weirdly enough, when you put enough people in a together, they can help each other. No matter how bizarre the request.

Every week there will be a Q&A. And there will be opportunities to accelerate your outcome with taking part in subgroups if you feel so inclined.

Where to start?

Organize your mission.

Likeminded people.

Are you thinking big enough?

Weekly Q&A

Health and fitness quest

Nothing happens if you are ill. And things work out better and faster when you are fit. Health is not the same as absence of illness. Health is far more than that. But it is difficult to quantify. Fitness is even more vague and difficult to define.

This course is a quest for YOUR holy grail of health and fitness. You define your own goals. And you will find that once you have reached your goals, there will be more to achieve. The proverbial goalposts will move.

This is not a specific diet, although several ideas will be discussed.

This is not a specific fitness regime, although several exercises will be discussed.

What this is:

This course is a gathering of all sorts of information presented to you. And you make up your own mind. You take what works for you. Please feel free and even compelled to go for low hanging fruit. Start with steps that are easy for you to do. You may have to wade through some episodes that just don’t gel with you at all. Great! Don’t implement those. Go for the things that speak to you, that make sense to you, that work for you.

This course will refer to all sorts of external sources: books, video’s, podcasts, courses provided by other people.

What is your starting point?

Where do you want to end up?


Diets, all sorts of diets.

Exercise, what works, what doesn't.

Life Grid

  • Complementary download

Life Grid

Membership group

  • Get your questions answered about Life Grid.
  • Connect with other members.
  • Find lots of information about all area's of your life.

Silver Bullet Healing Short course

  • This is in development.
  • It will be part online and part 1-1.

Silver Bullet Healing 1 day session

  • Get to know each other, see if this is the right thing for you. 1.5 - 2 hours.
  • Do your homework and hand it in.
  • 1 day session.
  • 3 follow up sessions to iron out any new creases.

About Me

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Maecenas ligula nisi, mollis ac nulla et, sagittis lobortis erat. Vestibulum rutrum at quam vitae consectetur. Suspendisse ullamcorper hendrerit turpis, ac cursus eros lacinia at. Donec vitae fermentum ligula. Sed porta ac ante ut maximus. Donec aliquet leo porta, viverra diam ut, accumsan metus.


“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

Online Coaching Resources

Wellness eBook

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The Essentials of Goal Setting

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3 Week Career Workshop

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Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus malesuada nibh quam. A congue ante ultricies sit amet. Maecenas ante mauris, placerat in pretium non, sagittis a leo. Nulla feugiat ipsum facilisis finibus ornare. Donec placerat bibendum purus ac volutpat.

Maecenas ligula nisi, mollis ac nulla et, sagittis lobortis erat. Vestibulum rutrum at quam vitae consectetur. Suspendisse ullamcorper hendrerit turpis, ac cursus eros lacinia at. Donec vitae fermentum ligula. Sed porta ac ante ut maximus. Donec aliquet leo porta, viverra diam ut, accumsan metus.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

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